Skills I have obtained

  • HTML/CSS/Javascript: before this class, I had limited knowledge of these becaues I didn’t really know how to do web dev before, but through this class, I have gained a more comprehensive understanding of web development and creating websites because we have to use these
  • Collaboration: in other classes, I usually don’t have that much collaboration, but this class was basicalliy groupwork the ENTIRE year, which helped me realize the importance as well as the absolute NECESSITY of collaboration, since in the future in college, high school, and the workplace, we will have to work with our coworkers and peers because more brains are better than one.

Highs and lows from the year

  • A high was my third tri group because it was always so fun to work with them, and our personalities and skills melded really well together. We always had so much fun and had a great time together, and making the music final project was something that we were all passionate about, which was really great to do.
  • A low from the year was whenever errors appeared and I didn’t know how to solve them. But at the same time, this was a learning experience because errors always inevitably rise, and we always have to overcome them somehow.

Future plans with CompSci

  • In the future, I want to do some research (like environmental research or bio/medicine-related) with computer science, such as machine learning or AI, so computer science will definitely play a huge role in my future. And maybe I’ll major in COmputer Science or minor in it. All in all, I definitely want CS to play a big role in my life

Future Plans in Education/Career

  • I hope that I’ll have a good time in college, and then be able to find out what I”m really passionate about since I’m a little unsure right now. Maybe also in high school I can branch out a little and find out what I really like. In my career, I hope I can do something that makes an impact and helps people, not just a generic office job.