What I saw

I had a great time at N@TM!! It was my third time, and I really saw all the improvement throughout every art/CS department in the school. The ceramics were clearly much better molded and more finely worked on, and the AP art pieces were extremely detailed. The APCSP and APCSA projects, notably, were much more advanced, as we were able to take all of our knowledge throughout the entire year and apply it on this one project. We also worked with more people, so we could combine our skills even more and make more advanced things.

Something cool that I saw was the machine learning emotion detector by Emma Shen. Basically, you could put your face in front of her camera, and it would tell you what emotion you were experiencing. I tried it and I thought it was very cool!!! It didn’t pinpoint all of my emotions correctly, but it was in the ballpark for most. ANd of course machine learning/AI can’t be perfect, so it was really cool that it could already do this!

In the AP Art room, I saw a lot of pieces, and I’ve never been able to draw/paint very well, so seeing their talent was really amazing. I saw so many cool abstract pieces with so much deep emotion and meaning, it really showcased DNHS students humanities/art talent.
