N@TM Reflection Blog

I visited many classrooms. I started in the APCSP classroom to show my project and get it graded. I saw many interesting projects. One of them that I really liked was a recipe project that used APIs to get recipes and nutritional information. I love cooking and am a big foodie, so this project really appealed to me and inspired me. Seeing everyone’s final projects was very motivating because it truly shows the power of CS and how a small team can get so much done in just a few weeks by collaborating and CODING!

I also visited the Photography and Art exhibitions. It was an interesting experience because I got to see all types of art. Overall, I was exposed to more of DNHS’s creative potential, and I realized that DNHS is really diverse and has a lot of people with many interesting, creative thoughts and ideas. I was able to see people’s different artistic styles, it was almost as if they knew exactly what they wanted to communicate and how to communicate it best. Here are some images of the night!

Collegeboard Writeup

Row 1: Program Purpose and Function Video shows:

  • Input: inputting tasks and their times
  • Program Functionality: checking off tasks and seeing the time change, also showing the motivational quotes to inspire the user to continue to be productive
  • Output: Estimated sleep time

Written response:

  • Overall purpose: allow the user to achieve maximum productivity and sleep as early as possible
  • Video functionality: shows inputting tasks, checking off tasks, and the estimated time changing

Row 2: Data Abstraction

  • (Code) List: list of task names and times in the backend
  • (Code) List Usage: formatting the list into the separate tasks in the frontend
  • name of variable: tasks and times
  • data: list of the tasks the user inputting and the list of times the tasks will take, also inputting by the user

Row 3: Managing Complexity

  • (Code): frontend code that shows cycling through the list and displaying the tasks on the html
  • Manages complexity: would be extremley hard to individualliy send the tasks and times

Row 4: Procedural Abstraction

  • (Code): procedure that sorts the tasks by greatest to least time
  • (Code): above procedure being called
  • Procedure functionality: the procedure is meant to sort the tasks by greatest to least time so the user can see what will take the most time

Row 5: Algorithm Implementation

  • (Code): Algorithm of sorting
  • Explanation: explain how the sorting algorithm sorts a 2d array

Row 6: Testing

  • Put in different tasks with different times and press the sort by time button
  • Describe how the times vary and the tasks will be sorted by the times
  • The result of the call will be the sorted tasks by the times, show that the frontend takes this and sorts it


  • In the video, I will show logging in as a specific user and show their current tasks. It will display the estimated sleep time, and then add a task and show how the estimated sleep time changes. Then, I will delete a task and show how the estimated sleep time changes.