My Score

I got a 90% exactly: 45/50

Questions I Got Wrong

Question 13 I can see now that choice III is also right because it basically does the same thing as II but flipped. Like it tests if the person is less than 18 and then if they are older than 16, and II is vice versa.

Question 16 I now understand that sequencing is applying steps in a specific order, which was already a function of the algorithm. Selection would be necessary because you need to select only the even numbers to sum, and therefore C is correct.

Question 27 I now see that the option I chose would not be the correct algorithm because the cursor needs to move forward n times and then turn, not alternate moving forward and turning.

Question 45 A heuristic solution is when you are on a time crunch, so you just need an approximate solution in a reasonable amount of time. I can now see that option C is correct. I had misunderstood Option A before.

Overall Reflection

I completed the quiz pretty easily, and I thought most of the questions were pretty straightforward. I might have to review some vocabulary though, because questions 16 and 45 were both vocabulary-based, and I got them wrong.