Submission 1

Row My Score My Reasoning Collegeboard Actual Score
1 1 The video is comprehensive with the input and ouput as well as program functionality, and the written response not only gives theh functionality/input/output, but also describes the overarching purpose of the program (entertainment) 1
2 0 The second code segment doesn’t include the list in the previous iamge. 0
3 0 The explanation doesn’t talk about how the list is used because the list isn’t even used in the second code segment. 0
4 1 The code segments show the procedure and it being used 0
5 1 The student very detailed describes the code segment and what it does. 01
6 1 There are two separate calls with two separate results. 1

Reflection: I graded mostly the same as Collegeboard, only for Row 4, I gave a point whereas Collegeboard did not. This is because the response did not call the actual procedure, which I overlooked. The student also doesn’t specify how the procedure contributes to the overall program, which is another requirement.

Submission 2

Row My Score My Reasoning Collegeboard Actual Score
1 1 The video demonstrates the program and the purpose is also clearly described, to help one with one’s English vocabulary! 1
2 1 Two code segments are shown, the list and also how it’s used. 1
3 1 The student clearly explains how the list is being used to manage complexity and how the program would be much more complicated without it. 1
4 1 The student shows the procedure and the procedure being called. 1
5 1 The student explains how the procedure is necessary and also how it works in detail. 1
6 1 The student shows two different tests and results. 1

Reflection: I graded the same as Collegeboard, a full score. I could definitely tell this was a really good example because they got 6/6, so I will link it here. Here is the link to the written responses and the link to the video. Here is the link to Collegeboard rubric and link to the Collegeboard reasoning for this person’s Performance Task.

Submission 3

Row My Score My Reasoning Collegeboard Actual Score
1 1 The video shows the functionality, and the student describes the purpose. 1
2 0 The first image doesn’t show a list at all. 0
3 1 The student explains how the list is used to manage complexity and explains how it works. 0
4 0 The procedure doesn’t have an input parameter, which is required. 0
5 0 The student doesn’t fully explain the algorithm because it is pretty vague. 0
6 0 The student doesn’t provide two outside test cases. 0

Reflection: I graded almost the same as Collegeboard, just for Row 3 I awarded a point and Collegeboard didn’t. I can now see that the student was too general and did not give specific insight to how the code cannot be written without the list.

Submission 4

Row My Score My Reasoning Collegeboard Actual Score
1 1 The video shows the program running and the written response describes the function and purpose. 1
2 1 The student shows two code segments and talks about the list. 1
3 1 The student describes that the list is ncessary for the program, like the program would be very easily changed if another fish would be to added. 1
4 1 The student shows their procedure and the procedure being called in the program. 1
5 1 The student details how the procedure works to demonstrate they know the function and how it contributes to the program overall. 1
6 1 Two test cases are shown and their results. 0

Reflection: I graded a little differently than Collegeboard here. For row 6, I gave a point whereas Collegeboard didn’t. I can see why now: the response doesn’t give specific arguments, only general ones. The student describes the code segments, not the actual results.