Submission 1

Row My Score My Reasoning Collegeboard Actual Score
1 0 The written response doesn’t describe the functionality of the program, nor the input/output of the program. 0
2 0 None of the code segments shows the list being used to fulfill the program’s purpose. 0
3 0 There is no program code segment to show a list to manage the program’s complexity. 0
4 1 There are two code segments and the student describes the procedure and its contribution to the overall functionality of the program. 0
5 0 There is no detailed explanation about the steps in the algorithm. 0
6 1 Gives the conditions and results of two calls. 1

Reflection: I graded mostly the same as Collegeboard, only for Row 4, I gave a point whereas Collegeboard did not. This is because the response did not describe how the procedure contributes to the overall functionality of the program, as it only said it was used to determine if the user’s guess was right or wrong.

Submission 2

Row My Score My Reasoning Collegeboard Actual Score
1 1 The student explains the overall purpose, the functioanlity from the video, and the input/output. 1
2 1 The code is shown and the lists are named, and the student describes the data contained in list. 1
3 1 The student describes how the list manages complexity, and the student talks about how the code would have to be different without the list. 1
4 1 The person describes the identified procedure and its contribution to the functionality of the program, and also gives the two program code segments. 1
5 0 The explanation of the code is not detailed enough to recreate it. 1
6 1 The person gives two different scenarios and also tells us the conditions being tested. Then, the person shows the results of the two calls, and the results are also different. 1

Reflection: I graded almost the same as Collegeboard, I just gave 0 points for Row 5 while Collegeboard gave a point. I can now see that the student’s explanation was adequate. This was a really good example because they got 6/6, so I will link it here. Here is the link to the written responses and the link to the video. Here is the link to Collegeboard rubric and link to the Collegeboard reasoning for this person’s Performance Task.

Submission 3

Row My Score My Reasoning Collegeboard Actual Score
1 0 The purpose of the program is not described. 1
2 1 The code is shown and the lists are named, and the student describes the data contained in list. 1
3 1 The student talks about how the list manages complexity very detailedly. 1
4 1 The person describes the identified procedure and its contribution to the functionality of the program, and also gives the two program code segments. 1
5 1 The explanation of the code is detailed enough to recreate it. 1
6 1 The person gives two different scenarios and also tells us the conditions being tested. Then, the person shows the results of the two calls, and the results are also different. 1

Reflection: I graded exactly the same as Collegeboard here, basically the only thing missing was the purpose of the program. This is different than the functionality of the program! because the purpose should address the problem being solved or the creative interest being pursued by the program. The function is different because it is how the program works during execution and how the user interacts with it. The purpose is basically the underlying meaning, while the function is how it works.

Submission 4

Row My Score My Reasoning Collegeboard Actual Score
1 1 The purpose of the program is described, along with the video’s functionality, and the inputs/outputs. 1
2 1 The code is shown and the lists are named, and the student describes the data contained in list. 0
3 1 The student talks about how the list manages complexity very detailedly. 0
4 1 The person describes the identified procedure and its contribution to the functionality of the program, and also gives the two program code segments. 1
5 1 The explanation of the code is detailed enough to recreate it. 1
6 1 The person gives two different scenarios and also tells us the conditions being tested. Then, the person shows the results of the two calls, and the results are also different. 0

Reflection: I graded a little differently than Collegeboard here. For row 2, I shouldn’t have awarded a point because the second code segment didn’t access the actual list, it only took the length. For row 3, the list doesn’t manage complexity. FOr row 6, it doesn’t give specific arguments.